Dowerin GWN7 Machinery Field day has recently passed us on the 30th and 31st of August 2017. Its a big agricultural expo located in the Central wheatbelt of Western Australia with everything from machinery to cement culverts, cuddly animals and of course the Equestrian Exhibit.
Over the two days of exhibits working equitation was demonstrated by one of our committee members, Sue Buckley (WA Delegate for ANWE Ltd ). Sue gave an insight into the lateral work and bending required for the obstacles. On Wednesday Sue gave Tracey Kreplins (another ANWE WA committee member, Treasurer) and her horse Sally some training with the gate and side pass pole in the indoor arena. On Thursday some kids from the Kellerberrin PC showed off working equitation in the indoor and outdoor arenas. The riders worked with 7 obstacles and even did some working dressage. All riders enjoyed themselves thoroughly, learnt some new riding skills and hopefully demonstrated how anyone and any horse can give working equitation a go!
Remember our Training Competition is happening on the 21st of October. Why not come down and try out the obstacles and working dressage with feedback from judges. Those who have completed the judges course recently it might be a good chance to practice your skills as a obstacle judge (it is an helper duty option for the day).